Sedation Dentistry

f you have put off dental visits due to anxiety or fear, you are no different from millions of other people. Dr. Moeckel understands that fear can be paralyzing. In our office, we strive to put your mind at ease. In addition to compassionate care and clear communication regarding dental procedures, we are happy to provide proven forms of sedation to eliminate your anxieties about dentistry.

Two levels of sedation are available in our office: nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is an excellent choice if you tend to experience mild to moderate anxiety and want a sedative that has no after-effects. A longstanding method of sedation, nitrous oxide may also be referred to as inhalation sedation, because you breathe a precise mixture of this gas and oxygen during your dental treatment. Nitrous oxide eases fears, relaxes the body, and also enhances the effects of novocain. Safe and reliable, this method of sedation wears off within about two minutes, allowing you to go about your day with no grogginess.

Oral Conscious Sedation

While this form of sedation is often called “sleep dentistry,” strictly speaking, you aren’t actually asleep, though it may seem that way. You will be breathing and swallowing on your own. Your protective reflexes, such as coughing to clear your airway, will be fully operational. You will be able to respond to requests, but you probably won’t remember what happened.

Oral conscious sedation involves a prescription medication that you take prior to your visit. Because it remains active for several hours, you will not be able to drive and will need assistance getting to and from our office.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

One of the primary benefits of sedation dentistry is that the use of an appropriate sedative allows you to obtain the routine dental care you need for optimal oral health. After being treated with sedation, patients who had previously avoided seeing the dentist often lose the fear that once held them back from their healthiest smile. Additionally, sedation is valuable in longer dental procedures. What may take an hour or more feels like mere minutes due to the effects of sedative medication. Many of our patients appreciate this feeling, as well as the minimal recollection they have of their treatment.

Your oral health and smile aesthetic are important to us. Don’t avoid the care that you need. Call (858) 452-1504 to schedule a stress-free visit with La Jolla sedation dentist Dr. Moeckel. You can also fill out our appointment request form here, and we will call you.